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Please note, that how our meeting goes, depends on you. I ask that you remember a few things to help our time together be as enjoyable as possible! 


1. Please be freshly showered. I put a lot of time and focus into making myself the best for you - including making sure my hygiene is more than desirable. Manly musk is sexy, but a freshly showered and clean man is sexier. 

2. Do not discuss my donation. This is important to me, not only for my safety and comfort, but because I feel it diminishes the fantasy and illusion I try to create for you. Please have the donation out - preferably in an unsealed envelope, on the bathroom counter where it can be easily seen. I will excuse myself to the lady's room to freshen up and check the donation once our time is over. 

3. My time is important. While I understand that life happens and traffic gets bad, and sometimes things are out of our control,  my time is important. When scheduling an appointment, I have already set aside the time for you, turned down other potential business, spent time getting ready, and travelling. 


4. Please be respectful when contacting me. Whether it's by phone, email, or my contact form - help me skip the 21 questions and provide me with your name, any forum or verification membership names, when and how long you would like to meet for, and a little bit about yourself. These contacts will always take priority in response, and truly help our time go by smoother. I will almost never respond to one worded texts, or messages with lingo I have to try and decipher. 

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